Too notch! 4 albums that I love but hadn’t thought about together, and will now never be able to hear without thinking of the others. This is what I’m looking for in great criticism: taking texts that I know and persuading me to hear them in a new way. *****

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Appreciate the support! Glad I could be of service and enjoy these great records!!!!!

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Thank you Ethan!

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Playing ‘Turning Point’ currently found deep in my ‘stacks’-apt title as I’ve learned from your review. Now I’ve gotta check out Mose & ‘Wild Man’ What a career Paul Motian had.I was fortunate to see & hear John Gilmore with Sun Ra for whom he was chief disciple on several occasions. I’m late here because I was late to Sub Stack but I will post about this album and restack your review.

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It doesn't effect the substance of the claims in this great article but I think Milford Graves' earliest recording is Arriba Con Montego Joe where he plays timbales- could be wrong but the session is listed as April 1964. He isn't playing free or at a kit- so your point of Motion's originality is still standing. "Arriba" is a nifty curio though- Chick Corea is on it too!

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Yeah Vin! Thanks for sharing this awesome research and analysis.

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Love this Vinnie. Gotta do some listening

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